Now Hiring for the 2024-25 School Year! Apply online - #BETTerTogether
9 months ago, Bett Schools
Now Hiring
Free breakfast and lunch will be available for youth 18 and under this summer - June 10-28 and July 8-26 at Mark Twain Elem and Bettendorf Middle School. #BETTerTogether
9 months ago, Bett Schools
Summer Meals Program
The Bettendorf Boosters Golf Outing is coming up on Saturday, June 15. Have fun and help support the work of the Bulldog Athletic Boosters. Sign up Now - golf and/or social!
9 months ago, Bett Schools
Bulldog Boosters
Mark your calendar! Free breakfast 8-9 am and lunch 12-1 pm will be available for youth 18 and under this summer - June 10-28 and July 8-26 at Mark Twain Elem and Bettendorf Middle School. #BETTerTogether
9 months ago, Bett Schools
Free meals
Congratulations to Zailey Bohley (6th grade 23-24) from BMS for winning the Lyrical Iowa Poetry Competition 5-8 grade division. Lyrical Iowa is an annual anthology of 300 poems chosen from the annual competition. The anthology is anticipated Oct 1, 2024. #BettPride
9 months ago, Bett Schools
Please join us in thanking our retiring staff for their passion, years of service, and dedication to the students, families, and staff of the Bettendorf School District!
9 months ago, Bett Schools
2024 Retirees
Kathy Pickett and Kathy Hayward with Heather Budd
Carol Harris with Jill Bresnan
Karen Farnum with Curt Pratt
Mike Christensen with  Kristy Cleppe
Tammy Chelf with Alan Hartley
2024 Retirees
Calling all summer adventurers! We want to see your amazing summer photos and hear about all the fun you're having on break. Send them to, or message us on the District Facebook page, and we'll share your stories! #BettSummerAdventures #BETTerTogether
9 months ago, Bett Schools
Summer Adventures
The BHS Student Council hosted The Middle School Exchange to introduce middle school students to the high school and teach them about leadership. This year, 53 middle school students signed up to attend. #BettPride #BETTerTogether
9 months ago, Bett Schools
MS Exchange
MS Exchange
MS Exchange
MS Exchange
MS Exchange
How fun! We received a gift of the vinyl recordings of the 1966-67 Bettendorf 8th Grade Girls Glee, directed by Joel B. Stoa, and the 1966 second annual musical, "Funny Girl," directed by Gary Clark. #BettPride #BettBlastFromThePast
9 months ago, Bett Schools
Vinyl Albums
The Bettendorf Boosters Golf Outing is coming up on Saturday, June 15. Have fun and help support the work of the Bulldog Athletic Boosters. Sign up Now - golf and/or social!
9 months ago, Bett Schools
Boost Golf
Be patient with yourself! If you need help, reach out to a school counselor or social worker | | #BETTerTogether #TheGreyMattersCollective #MentalHealth
10 months ago, Bett Schools
Be patient
Congratulations to BMS Math Teacher Mitch Hines for being selected as one of the district's Employees of the Quarter and for being exceptional! Learn more
10 months ago, Bett Schools
Mitch Hines
On Monday, BMS students were honored during 6th Grade Awards Night for academics, music, citizenship, and more. Congratulations to all the students for their incredible success during the 2023-24 school year! #BettPride
10 months ago, Bett Schools
6th Grade Awards
6th Grade Awards
6th Grade Awards
6th Grade Awards
6th Grade Awards
6th Grade Awards
6th Grade Awards
6th Grade Awards
6th Grade Awards
6th Grade Awards
Congratulations to the 7th & 8th graders who broke school records during track season, this school year! We are proud of you, GO BULLDOGS!
10 months ago, Allison Holland
7th Grade JH
8th grade team
8th grade DA
Order from Applebee's 11 am - 11 pm TODAY and help support the Bettendorf Middle School National History Day Program! Order online - #BETTerTogether
10 months ago, Bettendorf Middle School
Taking care of your mental health is essential for overall well-being. If you are a student who needs to talk to someone, reach out to your school counselor or social worker. | #MentalHealth Month
10 months ago, Bett Schools
You Are Loved
Mark your calendar! Free breakfast and lunch will be available for youth 18 and under this summer - June 10-28 and July 8-26 at Mark Twain Elem and Bettendorf Middle School. #BETTerTogether
10 months ago, Bett Schools
Summer Meals Program
Order from Applebee's on Tuesday, May 14, and help support the Bettendorf Middle School National History Day Program! Order online - #BETTerTogether
10 months ago, Bettendorf Middle School
Applebee's Fundraiser
Students share their favorite teachers and why they appreciate them during Teacher Appreciation Week - May 6-10. #BETTerTogether #BettPride
10 months ago, Bett Schools
Thank You Teachers!
Check out the 1st edition of the BCSD Libraries Newsletter - a collaboration of all our school librarians. #BETTerTogether #BettPride
10 months ago, Bett Schools