Lost and Found items in the Main Office!
Congratulations to the Bettendorf boys wrestling team for placing 2nd out of 64 teams at the State Wrestling Tournament last week in Des Moines. Nine wrestlers qualified with six placing in the top eight in their weight class.
Placing for the bulldogs
7th Place - Sr. at 144lbs. - Duncan Harn
3rd Place - Jr. at 138lbs. - Cody Trevino
3rd Place - So. at 190lbs. - Brayden Koester
State Runner up - Jr. at 175lbs. - Lincoln Jipp
2x State Champion - Jr. at 120lbs. - Jake Knight
3x State Champion - Sr. at 132lbs. - TJ Koester
Congratulations to the Bettendorf Speech and Debate Team members who have qualified to attend the National tournament this summer, from June 15th - 20th in Des Moines, IA. Bettendorf's qualifiers include:
Aniya Gates - World Schools Debate
Connor Hetner - Informative Speaking
Bri Seeley - United States Extemporaneous Speaking
Ellie Winkler - World Schools Debate
Upcoming events/deadlines:
Spring Fling is on Saturday the 1st in the gym! It’s going to be tons of fun and everyone should come and bring their friends! The tickets to get into the dance will be sold Monday through Friday in the activities office! Hope to see you all there!
SENIORS- click this link to buy a senior shirt. There are some other items as well to recognize the senior class!
Would you like to spend time with your friends while helping children who are battling cancer or other serious illnesses? If so, Dance Marathon is for you. For $20, you could help a child and their family while also gaining admission to BHS Dance Marathon on March 8th from 8 pm to 12 am where families of BHS will share their own experiences.
This announcement is for all students who started their Seal of Biliteracy tests in December. The last day to complete your Seal of Biliteracy test is March 2nd. Please make Seal test-taking time a priority if you have not yet completed the test.
SENIORS! Scholarships are open! Click this LINK to apply. If you need help printing anything or have any questions please see Mrs. Cauwels in Student Services. Scholarships close March 14th.
The BHS Library has debuted collectible bookmarks! Visit our traveling book displays in Student Services, the Career Center, and Ms. Huff's art room (G001) to collect the first 3. New books and bookmarks will be added to these locations at the start of every new month until the end of the school year. Keep checking each of these traveling book displays to collect all 15 bookmarks. Happy reading!
The BHS Library is hosting Black History Month Read-Ins for the month of February. All students and staff are invited to sign up using this form. Participants will choose one of 4 recently published award winning books by Black authors to read and discuss in twice-weekly lunch groups in the library on Thursdays and Fridays. If you are signed up, you will be allowed to eat in the library. Students who complete "the challenge" by the end of the month will receive a FREE BOOK. See the image in your announcement email for more info.
Boys soccer will have open gym at TBK on Monday, February 24, from 4 to 5 pm
Upcoming meetings:
Conservation Club meets every Monday from 3:30-4:30 in room C302. If you're interested in saving species by planting flowers and testing water quality, or you're interested in going on field trips that include boating on the Mississippi River or hiking through forests, join us!!
German Club meets every Tuesday in February in D-270 from 3:30-4:15.
Film Club meets every Friday during PRIDE in Mrs. Mojeiko's room, B210.
Anyone interested in boys' track and field - see Coach Terronez in the weight room on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
JCC will meet next on the 6th of March. See you then!
Girls Track & Field: The first day of practice is Monday, February 24th. We will meet in the Cafeteria at 3:45 that day. Please get your physical uploaded to Family ID before the first day of practice. See Coach Deuth in room D103 with questions.
Esports practice schedule this week: Today: Valorant only 3:30-4:30. Tomorrow: NO ESPORTS. Wednesday: NO ESPORTS. Thursday: Mario Kart only 3:30-4:30. Friday: All games 3:30-4:30. Sign ups are due today. Please see Ms. Mitola in the library if you are interested but don’t have your sign ups yet.
Attention Art Club! We will be meeting after school on Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday of this week in room E-103. We have work to finish up and need you there.
Upcoming PRIDE sessions:
Gray Matters Collective - every Friday
Career Readiness Corner
February is CTE month! (CTE = Career & Technical Education)
"CTE classes are such a great way to explore and immerse yourself into a potential career path. Many offer the ability to get a head start on your future career! It is so wonderful that Bettendorf High School offers these great classes to explore your future!! Your future awaits, just get started!!" -Mrs. Schmertmann
Here's a look at what’s planned in the Career Center, sign up now so you don’t miss out! Contact Mrs. Husser at shusser@bettendorf.k12.ia.us for any questions or to schedule a time to meet with us!
Upcoming Events
2/27/25 - Careers in Mental Health - We will meet several professionals currently working in the Mental Health field. This event will include general information about various career paths, a mindfulness exercise, therapy dogs and more! Signup Here
2/27/25 - IT, Cybersecurity, and AI Career Visit
Discover more about the exciting career paths in IT, Cybersecurity, and Artificial Intelligence. Rouse Consulting Group located in the QC will be here for an interactive session about the education, certifications, and career opportunities in these exciting fields on February 13th. We will have a hands-on activity for a real-world glimpse into cybersecurity. Signup Here
3/7/25 - La James College Visit - Join us for a tour of La James College where we’ll learn about careers in the beauty industry, including cosmetology, esthetics, massage and nails. Space is limited! Signup Here
Upcoming Career Center PRIDE sessions
3/3/25 - LaJames College
3/3/25 - St Ambrose
3/6/25 - QC Electrical Training Center (Electricians Union) - We will have a representative here to provide information on the apprenticeship program, training, benefits, and what is required to become a licensed union electrician.
3/10/25 - EICC (Scott Community College)
Upcoming Military Visits:
3/4/25 - National Guard (11-1 in Commons)