Beckwith & Pratt

The Bettendorf Community School District is excited to announce that Curt Pratt, Director of Operations, has been chosen as the district's new Executive Director of Business and Operations.  Curt will work alongside Bob during the summer months to ensure a smooth transition.

“We are so grateful to Bob for coming out of retirement to work with the district over the past year and wish him well as he returns to retirement,” Dr. Michelle Morse, Superintendent. “We are excited to welcome Curt to this new position. He is exceptional. Curt leads at a high level and has great dedication to his staff and responsibilities.”  

Curt Pratt has served as the school district's Director of Operations since 2019. He is in the process of completing his Master of Business Administration with the Chief School Business Official Endorsement. Pratt holds a Bachelor of Science in Architectural Studies and a Master of Architecture from the University of Illinois and worked as an architect for several years. 

The transition of responsibilities will occur at the end of August, with Beckwith retiring August 31st and Pratt assuming the new position on September 1st.