William Brown

Congratulations to the Bettendorf Engineering Problems class for finishing 2nd in the Quad Cities Engineering and Science Council contests as a school.  The students competed in the 3 contests sponsored by the QCESC, which included bridge building, trebuchet, and cardboard boat regatta.  Students were separated into teams for each contest and were given rules and criteria, which they used to research, build, test, and then compete in each of the 3 contests.  Students included William Brown, Aiden Frandsen, Robert Day, Rylee Crouch, Ricky Zillmer, Kaiden VanderWeele, William Taylor, William Duenas, Ben Dreifurst, and Hussein Arab.  Bettendorf competed against other schools in the area and was named 2nd best school team based on points accumulated for finishes in each contest.  Bettendorf won both the bridge-building contest and the cardboard boat regatta contest.  However, the team placing is based on the performance of all teams in the 3 contests.  Still a very good job by all students.

William Brown was also named the high individual for all 3 contests and earned a $1000 scholarship that he will be awarded next year at the QCESC banquet.