Community Service Letter
Students who meet the following criteria in the area of Community Service will be awarded a letter. All students in grade 9 - 12 are eligible to apply and can earn a letter. Questions may be directed to the BHS administration (563) 332-7001.

Congratulations to the following students for receiving a Community Service Letter for their commitment to serving Bettendorf High School and the greater community during the 2023-2024 school year!
9th Grade
Natalie Albracht *
Kaija Anderson *
Hadley Appel *
David Day *
Jack Hayes *
Campbell Keibler *
Ishika Motwani *
Amos Spector *
Ada Walsh *
10th Grade
Claire Franzman *
Cecelia Spector * | **
Josephine Wells * | **
Armon Williams **
11th Grade
Rowan Appel **
William Brown *
Robert Day *
Matthew Gardner * | **
Jakob Hoffman *| **
Aila Kiovisto **
Jacob Mitvalsky **
Kate Scholl *| **
12th Grade
Corey Dixon **
Michael Farmer ***
Gwyneth Hayes ***
Kyleigh Meier *
Victoria Rivera ***
Receiving: letter * | pin ** | silver cord ***
The Three Levels of Awards
First 50 hours of service earns you a Varsity Letter
51-100 hours of service earns you a pin
101-150 hours of service earns you a pin
151-199 hours of service earns you a pin
200 hours of service earns you a Silver Cord at Graduation
12th grade: they would be required to meet the 200 hours by April 1
11th grade: they have this year and next to meet the 200 hours
10th grade: they have 3 years to meet the 200 hours hours
9th grade: they are starting the program fresh, we are requiring a minimum of 25 hours per year to show that they are progressing and attempting to meet the requirements.
20% of the hours needed must directly benefit Bettendorf Community School District (ie: 50 hours = 10 hours from BCSD). These hours must be completed through a BHS club or organization or receive prior approval from BHS administration.
Reflection Paper - A 1-2 page written reflection on the experience of the community service is required.
Digital Evidence - Photo of student doing service.
Brief Statement - How volunteering impacted you or others.
To be recognized in the Service Letter awards ceremony, all hours must be documented and submitted per the timeline below along with the reflection paper and the digital evidence.
Due 9.13.2024 for hours served from 04.01.2024 - 09.12.2024
Due 01.10.2025 for hours served from 09.13.2024 - 01.09.2025
Due 04.01.2025 for hours served from 01.10.2025 - 03.31.2025
How should community service hours be recorded?
Use the online Google form to track service hours. Students will be required to login using their school issued Gmail account. All volunteer hours recorded must be verified by the organization where service is performed or by an adult supervisor (if finding it difficult to confirm for summer & fall, please see an administrator for assistance).
Reflection Paper
Reflection papers should be sent to with your name and grade level in the title. Send via Google Docs with view rights only. The purpose of the paper is to demonstrate understanding of the agency or issue of interest by answering the following questions:
What did you expect to experience before you began volunteering and how did your expectations differ from your actual experiences?
How did you serve? Describe your thoughts and feelings at specific times as you served.
What new skills, knowledge and/or understanding have you gained?
Include photo of student doing service work.
Service Letter Application: Complete the BHS Service Letter application and submit with a verified record of hours served, reflection paper, letters of recommendation (optional), and digital evidence of student performing service when all requirement have been completed and emailed to
Complete application
Log hours
Send reflection paper, digital evidence and brief statement