Legislative Priorities

Share your voice and let our legislators know your thoughts on our school’s legislative priorities! Your input matters in shaping the future of our education. # BETTerTogether #YourVoiceMatters #AdvocateForEducation

Kim Reynolds

Office of the Governor
Iowa State Capitol
1007 East Grand Ave.
Des Moines, IA 50319

Amy Sinclair

President of the Senate
1007 E Grand Ave.
Des Moines, IA 50319

Pat Grassley

Speaker of the House

Gary M. Mohr

State Representative

Mike Vondran

State Representative

Scott Webster

1007 E Grand Ave.
Des Moines, IA 50319

District Logo

2024-2025 Bett Schools

Legislative Priorities

Pre-K-12 School Funding

The Bettendorf Community School District supports efforts to protect Pre-K-12th grade funding from future cuts as well as maintaining Pre-K-12 public school funding as a top priority to include:

  • Preserve public school funds for public schools.

  • Establish a consistent SSA rate that enables local districts to meet parent and

    community expectations incorporates inflation or cost-of-living increases to

    minimize the impact on a district's general fund, to comply with state-mandated

    requirements, and provides a high-quality and rigorous education to all students.

  • State funding for special education that is reflective of the actual costs and needs of

    students, including educational programming and healthcare.

  • Equalization of At-Risk and Potential Dropout dollars across the state for all districts

    to generate prevention funds up to the allotted 5%.

  • Afford Iowa public school districts the opportunity to issue general obligation debt to

    support the development of infrastructure connected to life and safety. This

    recommendation would align to similar financial processes that cities and counties

    across Iowa have available in their governance decisions.

Mental Health

The Bettendorf Community School District supports efforts to establish comprehensive school mental health programs that include:

  • The creation of a categorical funding stream designated for mental health professionals serving students.

  • Ongoing teacher, administrator, and support staff training to improve the awareness and understanding of child emotional and mental health needs.

  • Integration of suicide prevention and coping skills into existing curriculum.

  • Expand state-funded loan forgiveness programs to include mental health professionals who agree to provide services to schools.

  • Establish a mental health resources clearinghouse for schools and community providers.

Start Date

  • Update start date language to eliminate a specific date and include language that provides flexibility to school districts to the effect of, “start no sooner than the first Tuesday immediately following the Iowa State Fair”.

School Choice and Educational Savings Accounts

  • Align ESA application submission date to the March 1st Open Enrollment date. This would provide school districts with better information for staffing and budgeting.

Education Standards and Accountability

  • Apply the same accountability systems that Iowa public schools must comply with to all nonpublic/private and charter schools.

  • Require all nonpublic/private and charter schools to accept all students who meet any financial requirements if applicable.